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Are You a Feminist?
Earlier this semester in my writing class everyone was asked this same question and at first no one raised his or her hand to admit that they were feminists. When no one raised his or her hand, professor Nielsen-Dube told us that she believed that we in fact were all feminist and that we were simply afraid to admit it because of the negative social stigma that surrounds the word feminist. Yahoo blogger Elizabeth Eckert describes in one of her posts what people picture when they hear the word feminist, “…frumpy, overweight lesbians who don't shower and have hairy legs.” The word feminist is not meant to describe someone’s physical appearance, rather their belief that men and women should be have equal opportunities and rights.
Some may believe that in our present time men and women are equal. They may point out to women like Condoleezza Rice and Hilary Clinton, both very influential figures in current political sector. While Clinton and Rice may be proof that women have progressed the truth is that we are not completely there yet. In 2009 Maria Shriver along many other journalist and researches released the Shriver Report in which they highlight the progress that women have made. As of 2009 women have become primary providers in 4 out of 10 American households. The percentage of women becoming self-employed has increased by 35% and is increasing at a rapid rate. Women also comprise fifty percent of the entire workforce population. Women have clearly made their mark by entering the workforce but the truth is they still have a long way to go.
Although women comprise about fifty percent of the workforce they are still not paid equally as men. Women are currently earning 81 cents to the male dollar. Does that seem fair? As a business student this aspect of the feminist movement interest me the most. Aside form not being paid as well as men the current workforce also lacks equal opportunities for females. Aside form working full time jobs women also have to tend to their families. This includes taking time off when a child is sick or maternity leave when a woman becomes pregnant. Right now, as pointed out by the Shriver Report women must use sick time and vacation days to tend to an ill family member, leaving no room for their own leisure. The report also points out that women are entitled to up to twelve weeks of maternity leave all of which are not paid. A report released by USA Today reveals that in Sweden women are entitled to a full of paid maternity leave. They also have the option of having someone come to their house and helping them take care of their children.
Women have become a large part of the workforce and it is time that changes are made to benefit the new primary caregivers. The thought that I am working hard to some day achieve my dream job but may still make less than my male colleagues honestly enrages me, which is why I am not afraid to call my self a feminist: a person who believes in equal opportunities for both men and women.
Teens are the number one consumers of salt in the world today which is a leading cause to health problems such as heart attacks and high blood pressure. Studies show that if teens begin to eat ½ teaspoon less of salt a day, it could lead to a 43% decrease in the 2.7 million people that suffer from high blood pressure which can lead to more severe and fatal health problems. Consumption of salt is a habit many teens acquire from a young age and become unknowingly addicted to the salt and not the particular food. The USDA recommends people over the age of two, to consume about 2,300 mg of slat per day, and it has been found that teens consume well beyond this suggestion.
As a college student, I know how hard it is to find cheap groceries that are healthy. One familiar hit, Ramen noodles, contains about 560mg of salt per serving. Similarly, “easy-mac” as well as other frozen, and processed foods are more than likely to share this large number. People instinctively look first at the calories and sometimes do not even realize the risks of high sodium contents in foods. I think there must be something done so that teens, especially college students become more aware of the risks of high sodium content products. College institutions should provide and make students aware of the risks that come along with consuming products like these. The production of processed foods is only increasing and innovating new products, and if teens do not become aware of these risks, more people are going to find themselves in heart related predicaments later on in their lifetime.
link: http://pagingdrgupta.blogs.