Daphne Goodship and Barbara Hebert are identical twins that first met when they were 40 years old. The twins were separated at birth and adopted by two completely different families, Debbie Mehlman and Sharon Poset are identical twins who were separated at birth, brought up in different religions and practicing entirely different traditions. When Debbie and Sharon met for the first time they found that they had incredibly similar habits. When they get excited they both cross their eyes. Tom is from rural Kansas , raised Christian, Steve , raised as a Buddhist, lives in Philadelphia. Tom and Steve are identical twins, separated at birth, and met for the first time four years ago. Tom and Steve both own a body building gym and both men are 100% dedicated to fitness. Are these stories mere coincidence, or is it proof that our genetic makeup has more of a factor on our personality and overall social behavior versus the environment in which we were brought up in? “You have your mother’s eyes” and “Boy you are a spitting image of your father.” But where did we get our outgoing personalities and our incredibly natural intelligence. Do children learn these social behaviors and talents from their parents at a young age or was it all predetermined by our genes? It is quite clear that one’s physical characteristics are hereditary; however, the water gets murky when crossing the bridge of individual behaviors, intelligence, and personality. On that side of the spectrum no one can give a clear explanation for where exactly all these behaviors and talents are coming from. The age old argument of Nature Vs. Nurture has yet to reach a conclusion and scientists still do not yet know exactly how much of us is determined by our DNA and how much is determined by the environment we are raised in and our own life experiences. All that we do know is that both DNA and the environment play a part. Some scientists and researchers believe that people behave the way they do in result of their genetic makeup and even some humanistic instincts. This theory is known as the nature theory. The nature theory even takes a step further to say that our intelligence, personality, aggression and sexual orientation are also encoded in an individual’s DNA. The other side of the debate is known as the nurture theory of human behavior. These scientists believe that people think, act, behave, and learn the way they do because their parents taught them to do so. With a growing understanding of the human genome scientists have been able to conclude that both sides of the spectrum are correct for it is nature that hone these instincts and traits and then it is nurture that allows us to mature and put to use those genetic abilities.
“It is nature that hones these instincts and traits and then it is nurture that allows us to mature and put to use those genetic abilities.”
ReplyDeleteI agree with this because although people can have predetermined attributes it is up to the nurture to allow these qualities to be brought out. While there are stories about twins separated at birth that have similar characteristics how many twins grow up and are complete opposites. No one can be exactly the same as someone else whether through genetics or nurture so the small differences in both must have an effect on people.
I think this might be a subject that should be further studied by scientists. Studying this further could help us understand how our mind works and why it works that way.
ReplyDeleteEven when two children are brought up in the same family, with the same values they each have different personalities. To me that is attributed to how we were born. If we are born with genes that determine our personalities then the only thing that can be chaged is out morals.
In psychology, we read about an experiment done to test this, and I think that our genes, influence our personality characteristis and behaviors. Our genes determine who we are right from birth, menaing we are already born with whichever type of personality we have, and our specific behaviors are encoded into our DNA. The fact that our genes are responsible for our behaviors and not our experiences, may be something numerous people do not believe in, because they do not want to believe they have no free will over the outcome of their lives. Parents may also be upset with this fact, because parenting does not seem as important. If a child's personality and behaviors are determined by their genes, then what is the point or parenting? I think parenting is still important, because even if our behaviors are influenced by our genes, our environment can still infulence us to make certain decisions.
ReplyDeleteIn studying the issue of nature versus nurture many times in my psychology courses, I believe that both genes and your environment affect who you become. Through continuing research, scientists were able to prove that this is true.
ReplyDeleteEnvironment and experiences partly make you who you are. In the cases mentioned about the twins separated at birth that ended up being very similar people, the twins were all identical. Growing up, such factors as gender, race, and class can influence your personality, because they can bring about different experiences in people's lives. Also, girls and boys are nurtured or brought up slightly differently. Obviously the twins the twins mentioned were of the same race and gender and therefore, it would be interesting to look at cases of separated fraternal twins, to see if they grew up to be similar people. It would show if genes is the stronger of the two influences in why separated twins are so similar.
I agree that both nature and nurture influence the people we become, but I believe that nature is more predominant. Nature predetermines our genes meaning that our personality and physical traits are already determined before we are born. Although our traits are predetermined, our parents, peers, culture and society influence how we develop those predetermined traits. For example, identical twins with the same temperament may not necessarily grow up to have that same temperament. Our parents can influence how our temperate develops, in turn influencing our personality development. Our attributes are not solely dependent on nature or nurture, rather a mixture of both.
ReplyDeleteI also agree that both nature and nurture play a role in who people become. Certain people are predisposed to be a certain way due to genetics, however nurture could alter that. I think the fact that Tom and Steve both own gyms and care about exercise is interesting, but more of a coincidence. Nature does not have that much of an impact on us to determine what jobs we will hold. The only case where I could see this being relevant is if someone was born with a genetic code that was going to mean they were very tall. That might give them a greater chance of playing in the NBA. I think nurture has a greater impact on the jobs people will groe up to have. If someone had a family member with a disease they would probably grow up wanting to be a doctor. Overall, I think nurture affects people more than nature, so people can chose to be whatever type of person they want.
ReplyDeleteKayla, I completely agree with your position on this subject. I would also think that people haver certain genetic dispositions that are inherited from thier family. However, I also think that people are shaped by the environment that surrounds them. This environment can bring out our suppress genetic predisopositions that people may have. Overall, I believe that nature and nurture shape who people are throughout the extent of their lives.
ReplyDeleteI believe that both nature and nurture have an impact on who you are. I believe yes that DNA has a lot to deal with who you are because it makes up your being. I also very strongly believe that you are who you are because parents raise their kids with telling them how they should act and what they should do. Plus also kids just act the way their parents do they copy their parents in a way. I know for me personally I have similar traits and habits with everyone in my immediate family as well as my extended family so that is in my genes and in they way that I have watched and acted like them growing up. So for me it is not really nature vs. nurture but nature and nurture combined.
ReplyDeleteNature vs. Nurture is AMAZING!!! I think we should like yo man dude homiez in da building!!! i have no idea what i just wrote!!