As much as I tried to avoid this subject while brainstorming for my blog topic, the one topic that I kept returning to is teen pregnancy. Just as I do not support war but do support those who fight in it, I do not support teen pregnancy at all, but I will always be there for the numerous friends of mine that have children.
As stated in a commercial I saw this weekend, teen pregnancy is 100% preventable. At first, I wanted to refute the commercial by saying that birth control is never 100% guaranteed, but then I realized the other option: abstinence.
Many teenagers do not take abstinence as an option for them and I'm sure a few of those who do not practice abstinence also do not practice safe sex. As we all know, this increases the possibility (I do not like to say “risk”) of pregnancy manifold.
I could go on and on about how to prevent pregnancy before and after conception and how hard it hits me every time I find that another friend is pregnant but that is not what I want to talk about. What I am most baffled about are the girls who decide to fake their pregnancy. I'm not sure if any of you readers have heard of this but I can automatically think of two instances off the top of my head.
I'm talking about the girl who decides for whatever reason, to print off an ultrasound from the internet on regular printer paper that ends up looking like a squirrel, scribbling her name and date at the bottom and then flaunting the “ultrasound” around the school (pardon me if this sounds rude, but this really did happen). Then, when the times comes for her to show a “baby bump” she suddenly announces that she has lost the child. Although this could be excused as the truth, it is hard to believe when the girl recreates this story numerous times.
Many people who I’ve heard try to explain this behavior say that maybe she is trying to keep her boyfriend from leaving the relationship or that she is simply yearning attention. Although she will receive the wrong kind of attention, whatever her reason maybe, in the instances I have witnessed, none of these girls seem to realize the extent of this situation. It really does bewilder me why any of these girls would choose to do this. There has to be a better reason than the two reasons that I'm so used to hearing. Is there a psychological reason? Is there something going on at home?
Is it a cry for help? A search for identity? An experiment or a joke that just no one else catches on to?
None of the instances I have witnessed have ever turned out well. Every instance results in the girl becoming a victim of her own actions as she virtually branded and outcast from her peers more than she already was. So why make the situation worse by doing something like this? Especially if the motive is to keep the boyfriend from leaving the relationship since he is probably going to want to distance himself more once he finds out is a hoax.
Miscarriages take a large toll on the body and a woman’s body can only take so much before she gives up trying to have a child. I know adult women who take time off of work to recover from their miscarriages. If these girls were really losing the child through miscarriage, then they would probably be missing school.
So the big question and the moral of my story is WHY FAKE BEING PREGNANT?!
As stated in a commercial I saw this weekend, teen pregnancy is 100% preventable. At first, I wanted to refute the commercial by saying that birth control is never 100% guaranteed, but then I realized the other option: abstinence.
Many teenagers do not take abstinence as an option for them and I'm sure a few of those who do not practice abstinence also do not practice safe sex. As we all know, this increases the possibility (I do not like to say “risk”) of pregnancy manifold.
I could go on and on about how to prevent pregnancy before and after conception and how hard it hits me every time I find that another friend is pregnant but that is not what I want to talk about. What I am most baffled about are the girls who decide to fake their pregnancy. I'm not sure if any of you readers have heard of this but I can automatically think of two instances off the top of my head.
I'm talking about the girl who decides for whatever reason, to print off an ultrasound from the internet on regular printer paper that ends up looking like a squirrel, scribbling her name and date at the bottom and then flaunting the “ultrasound” around the school (pardon me if this sounds rude, but this really did happen). Then, when the times comes for her to show a “baby bump” she suddenly announces that she has lost the child. Although this could be excused as the truth, it is hard to believe when the girl recreates this story numerous times.
Many people who I’ve heard try to explain this behavior say that maybe she is trying to keep her boyfriend from leaving the relationship or that she is simply yearning attention. Although she will receive the wrong kind of attention, whatever her reason maybe, in the instances I have witnessed, none of these girls seem to realize the extent of this situation. It really does bewilder me why any of these girls would choose to do this. There has to be a better reason than the two reasons that I'm so used to hearing. Is there a psychological reason? Is there something going on at home?
Is it a cry for help? A search for identity? An experiment or a joke that just no one else catches on to?
None of the instances I have witnessed have ever turned out well. Every instance results in the girl becoming a victim of her own actions as she virtually branded and outcast from her peers more than she already was. So why make the situation worse by doing something like this? Especially if the motive is to keep the boyfriend from leaving the relationship since he is probably going to want to distance himself more once he finds out is a hoax.
Miscarriages take a large toll on the body and a woman’s body can only take so much before she gives up trying to have a child. I know adult women who take time off of work to recover from their miscarriages. If these girls were really losing the child through miscarriage, then they would probably be missing school.
So the big question and the moral of my story is WHY FAKE BEING PREGNANT?!
Yes, I also don't understand why girl put themselves in positions such as this. Guilting a man into staying in a relationship just promotes distrust and disloyalty. I have also seen cases where girls try to fake pregnancy, but it never ends well.
ReplyDeleteI agree that teen pregnancy is a big issue in society. One night, I had a weird dream that my little sister was 16 and pregnant, I don't know why. Anyways, I hope it does not happen to her or anyone eals. I don't understand why teens would want to have sex and get pregnant. It is up to the person who gets pregnant of what they want to do. If the girl ends up having a baby, she should put the baby up for adoption, because she'd be handling a lot of responsibility. Parents seemed to not care about their child and leaves the responsibility up to the girl. They'd tell her, "hey, you got pregnant, the baby is your responsibility." Parents should support them every step of the way, beacuase a teenage girl who has gone through pregancy and is now caring for the baby could be depressed and hopeless about their future. They should help out. Howver, after having sex, the girl shoud found out whether or not they're pregnant right away so that they could make a decision. It could also not be the girl's fault, she could be raped by a guy and get pregnant accidentally.-Tia
ReplyDeleteI think that we are being to quick to judge in this topic. Although I do not know any girls who have been through this "fake pregnancy" I do know girls who had children while in High School. I think that if girls are faking pregnancies they are probably experiencing some kind of mental distress. I think that no normal girl would want that kind of attention if they were in the correct state of mind. The bigger issue here is how quick people are to judge teen pregnancy. I think that we as girls should try to protect one another from situtation such as these and in order to do this we need to stop judging one another. Just because a girl faked a pregnancy or is really preagnant doesn't mean that she is any different from you. Think of it this way, if you were brought up and lived in the same conditions, and went throguh the same things that that one girl went through, you'd probably experiencing what she is experiencing; so we can't judge other. When we do judge others it is based on OUR experinces but we do not know where that other person came from.
ReplyDeleteI can see how faking pregnancy can be a way for a girl to make a guy stay in a relationship, but this method of thinking is ridiculous. Teenage pregnancies are usually looked down upon because it takes away from the mother getting a job and living her youth. As long as the mother is completely dedicated to raising her child, it is her choice to have a baby and follow through with the decision, and not necessarily a bad choice, it's just a different path. If the mother just "made a mistake" getting pregnant, then that is awful for the child who will suffer.
ReplyDeleteI can really agree with this blog post, because in my old high school if you were not pregnant or not talking about people being pregnant then you were pretty much considered not a part of the in crowd. I think girls fake pregnancies for the ultimate reason which is; attention. Whether it is the wrong attention or the right attention, they want people talking about them no matter what. Teen pregnancies, I consider to be prevented easily by being safe whether it be safe sex or abstinence. I also feel like teen pregnancies are awful because most of the times when girls get pregnant the father’s don’t want anything to do with them or the baby, they don’t have any money to pay for the child which implies for a job, and while they’re at school their parents will have to take care of the baby. Not only are they juggling school or maybe after school programs but now they have a child to fend for and now obviously they need to get a job. This is a lot for one teenager to handle. Faking that you are pregnant is just disgusting because that rumor goes around the whole school, and the girls that do this probably scare their boyfriend into staying with them and that’s not right, if the boy wants to stay with them they don’t have to be pregnant for this to happen. I think that the fake pregnancies happen because the girls are testing their boyfriends love for them. Like when they say “I’m pregnant” to the boyfriend, they expect them to stay and if they don’t care or leave then the girl knows that they weren’t really boyfriend material or someone they should stay with. These girls that do this are very manipulative and don’t care who they hurt along the way. If the same girl fakes another pregnancy, this is just uncalled for because they just look stupid and no one really believes them, and they are basically labeling themselves as “sluts.” Teen pregnancies are also awful for the baby, because some girl’s will abort the baby or give it up for adoption, or they are just really bad parents and this is not fair for the poor baby.
ReplyDeleteTeenage pregnancy was very common at my high school so I knew many peers who were mothers and fathers. Even though many did not plan to be parents so soon, I gave them a lot of credit for raising a child, going to school, and working to support the child because I knew that it must have been a challenge.
ReplyDeleteBut I have heard of cases where girls have faked a pregnancy. One reason that I do not think was mentioned was for money. I have heard on numerous occasions where the girl was looking for money from the boyfriend. I have also seen cases where girls purposely get pregnant in order to guilt the boyfriend into staying in the relationship. Unfortunately, in most cases, the girl's plan backfires, and the guys end up leaving.
People often feel invincible that pregnancy could never happen to them. They need to realize that all their actions have a consequence and should contemplate if it is a risk worth taking at the moment.
I have to agree that teen pregnancy is a big issue in today's society. I feel that the TV shows about teen pregnancy are in a way promoting teen pregnancy. Every time I turn on MTV, teen mom or 16 and pregnant is on.I know that these shows are intended to help prevent teen pregnancies, but they are just always on. I am glad that these mothers are taking responsibility for their actions and being a mother at such a young age. I feel that so many young people are getting pregnant or that teen pregnancies are just becoming more publicized. I went to a private school where if you were pregnant you were kicked out, and to hear of high schools with teen moms, it just amazes me. I have never heard of a fake pregnancy and I do not understand why someone would do that. There are women who try so hard to have children and things do not end up working out and then we have teens pretending to be pregnant?