Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Womanizing on Jersey Shore

If you look at the MTV show Jersey shore you can't help but recognize the massive amount of womanizing that the men on the show exhibit. How is this seen? You can look at the numerous times that you see them come back from a club or are at a club trying to pick up girls and take them home for easy sex. They tend to look at women as objects of lust that they need to have and use for what they need and then quickly let them go. Also it seems that many women have begun to sink to the level of being "easy". you can see this in the women that they dance with at the clubs and the ones that unfortunately go home with them.
I feel that a woman needs to be respected and treated right. they are not an object of lust but something to be admired and cared for. I am seeing more and more these days that women try to change their image to please men. It is wrong in my eyes and any man that a girl would have to compromise themselves in that way to impress is not worthy of them. What do you think about this subject?


  1. I love the show ridiculously, as many of you have probably seen me on your Facebook News Feeds talking about Jersey Shore like a sports commentator, but I do agree with Mark.

    Mike, AKA “The Situation”, is the best example of womanizing on the show and I’m starting to feel like he is getting worse. He and others on the show traditionally go to the clubs to scope out “good looking women” (not “grenades” mind you) to bring home that night. Recently, Situation doesn’t seem to be having as much luck with “having his share of the fun” and seems be getting frustrated and more aggressive. If he doesn’t bring a girl home every night on the weekend, he won’t let anyone else “enjoy their fun”. In one episode, before any girls were even brought home by anyone, he forced a girl up against the wall at the club and she was obviously trying to resist. If Situation does finally get to bring one home, he doesn’t even offer them food etc. as he used to be SOMEWHAT nice.

    Although for some of us, he represents a “non-traditional” male, as he is usually the one that cooks dinner; his acts of womanizing eclipse his hospitality. It was clearly explained on the show that a guy having multiple women to sleep with is “THE Man”, while if a girl tries to do the same thing with guys, she’s a “h*e”. In my opinion, it’s bad either way no matter what your gender is, but this is just further supports Mark’s argument.

    As for what Mark wrote, aside from the topic, I was actually surprised to see such compassion. I usually hear this argument from the female point of view so “kudos” to you on writing this. If only this opinion was more widespread over both genders.

  2. I agree with the post, I just think that our generation is steping away from the traditional old days, where sex is only after marriage. Now people regardless of gender, just do whatever they want to satisfy their needs.

  3. I also agree with this article. Although many progressive acts have been to improve rights for women, we still go backwards in some ways. The males on the show easily decipher between women who they want to "get with" for a night, and the the woman you would take home to your mohter. I think it very much so has to do with expectations men have, but also, women in some cases also degrade themselves by giving into these kinds of pigs and dress a certain way to get their attention.

  4. It also seems like enough people, specifically women, have watched the show to recognize the cast members if they are seen at a club, and therefore recently the women only get with the cast members to appear on the show.

  5. I must first start off my comment by saying that even though I love the show more than the other fist-pumping fan, but don't agree with their sexual exploits. Yes, the main plot of Jersey Shore is centered around womanizing, but it is not the fault of the cast. They, just like us, are the the victims of a society that has now centered itself around pleasure and a have-it-now attitude. Women are not getting the respect they deserve and are treated as objects. Referring to a girl as a grenade or a landmine shows no compassion or interest in one's personality; it puts the primary and only focus on looks. You know that there is a problem when you hear this comparison about a girl: "If someone hands you a Bentley, you're just gonna keep driving."

  6. I like many of you love the Jersey Shore with all its ridiculousness and hilarty. However, I do agree with this article. Every week when they go to the club the boys or MVP but mostly Mike try to get any girl they can to come home with them and the girls just go with them without any hesitation, like seriously have these girls seen the show before? I think these girls need to have more respect for themselves and then they would not be labeled as "easy." Also, girls watch this show and when they here the boys labeling girls as "grenades" or "landmines" this could very well cause low self esteem. I do love the show but the boys actions are a direspectful toward women. However, I do feel in a way that their actions are escaladed since they are on tv but still it is disrespectful.

  7. I agree with what Mark has to say, but I also feel like many women aren't asking for or showing that they want this kind of behavior towards them to change. Everyone has the choice to dress and act how they want, and a lot of women are dressing to please men. I do not think that it is right that some women feel like they have to dress like this to be noticed, but it is their choice, and it's only encouraging men that it is an OK thing to like a woman solely based on her image. By putting our bodies out there in such a way that reveals ourselves to attract men we are only showing guys that our bodies are the best thing about us, because that's probably the only thing they like you for if that's what catches their attention in the first place. There is more to every woman than just what's underneath our clothes, and we should begin showing men that we are respectable people that are beautiful in many ways beyond our looks.

  8. I agree with all these comments, and I think this show perfectly represents how today's society have formed norms on how women and men treat one another. The men on the show hook up with any women they want and receive no criticism for it. Yet, when a girl on the show hooks up with guys, she is looked at as trashy. Also, the girl is always seemed as the one who wants something more in a relationship and this is seen with the characters Sammy and Ron. Sammy wants to have a mature relationship, but Ron just wants to have fun. This is seen in a lot of relationships today, and it is as if the woman's feelings in the relationship are not taken into consideration.

  9. It's interesting how guys who get a lot of girls are "glorified" and girls who sleep around are looked down upon. Everyone lives different social lifestyles, and some girls just have fun with guys. Girls do deserve respect, but only if they respect themselves.

  10. I completely agree that womanizing that is presented on the show "Jersey Shore" is inappropriate. However, I feel that it also creates a deeper problem in society. Because of its popularity, teens and young adults mimic their behavior to that of the kind that they see on television. While this may just be manifested in using terms such as "GTL" it can also manifest itself in taking on the attitudes of the stars of Jersey Shore. Treating women as solely sexual objects and rating them as "grenades" or "land mines." When this type of behavior is valued as a part of society, it becomes more acceptable. While the type of behavior on Jersey Shore is ridiculous and can be entertaining, it is also destructive towards forwarding society.

  11. This is a very serious issue in our social life now. Younger aged girls are becoming “easy” or dress to impress. To me it really is the girl’s choice to do what they want if they want to look trashy to impress a guy, and then they do it. Conservative and innocent looking girls have dwindled down to a few hand full’s of girls portraying this. Jersey shore, I feel like the girls just want to be publicized and what easier way then to sleep with one of the jersey shore crew. These events are pretty much what the show is about, so without it there would become no television show. These women have a choice and they choose to be “easy” and sleep with what they consider “celebrities.” What happened to waiting for the right person to sweep you off your feet? This shows that girls just want to be used; they have a voice they could always say “no.” This show basically portrays what goes on during real life; this happens everywhere, we just don’t televise all of it. I think it’s a better thing to play hard to get and not just give yourself to people you just meet, that’s not really what life is all about. In my opinion I think women should love their body and not like play it as a game and see how many guys you can get this day, I feel that is just juvenile. Not only do the guys womanize the women but the women basically do it themselves.
