Monday, November 1, 2010

Drug Abuse

Drug usage is a very risky behavior that everyone should avoid. Drug usage causes addiction and can be life threatening. Based on the estimation from the National Drug Control Strategy in 2009, at over time in their lives, 104,446 Americans have used Marijuana, 36,599 have used Cocaine, 8,359 have used Crack, and 3,863 have used Heroin.
Generally, people choose to use drug because of peer pressure, they want to alleviate their stress or they are curious about it. Using illegal drugs put people into trouble. Some people believe that just one dose of Marijuana or other types of drugs cannot possibly make the users addicted. That is not true. Once they use the drugs, they become dependent. When the effect of the drugs wear off, the users start to crave for more drugs, they feel uneasy and pain in their bodies. They become aggressive and panic.
Daily use of drugs can lead to numerous types of disease such as respiratory failure, rapid heart rate, memory impairment, weaken immune system, lung damage, insomnia, hyperactivity, and agitation. Sometimes it causes death. These sicknesses make the drug users to lose their abilities to perform their jobs. For students, they lose ability to concentrate and memorize schoolwork.
Dealing with drugs steers people away from comfortable lives. Drugs are very expensive, most drug users become criminals because they tend to find money to buy drugs by robbing other people. They have to live as gypsies, and hide from the society, Besides living with guilt, they have to suffer the consequences of drug abuse such as sicknesses caused by the effect of using drugs.
Choice is in our own hands. There are many drug free activities available for us that are food enough to keep us away from stress and stay healthy. If someone is obsessed with drugs, please get help as soon as possible before it is too late. Regret cannot put you back to the starting point, so think carefully about your own future.
Imagine if you are parents of drug dealers, how worried will you feel?
What else should we all do as members of society to help the government eliminate drug abuse?


  1. I think drug abuse is very popular in today's society. In high school there was always that group of students who were the outcasts that everyone knew did drugs. I have found that in college, there are a lot more students who smoke, and who have done drugs. Some people claim they do it because it is a way to "soicalize" but I think that explanation is a poor excuse for doing drugs. People do drugs because they want to, and maybe some feel pressured to in order to socialize and fit in. I do not think a student would lose friends over not doing drugs though, because it is their own choice and opinion. Being stressed out is another reason why people turn to drugs. To help this, I think societies and schools, should offer counseling or other activites to help students relieve their stress. In our society, I think it would be very difficult to completely eliminate drug abuse. Police already spend a lot of time looking for sellers, and users, but in reality there are way too many for the police to catch all of them.

  2. Drug abuse is definately a problem in our society today. When asked the question of how I would feel as a parent of a drug dealer, I could say that based on what I have seen of the world I would not give up on my child. As a parent you have the obligation of helping your child until it is impossible. If you believe that what is best for your child is to be placed in jail in order for him or her to stop dealing drugs then that is what you should do. That is still going to be your child, the one you love. However, you are making a decision that might affect your child negatively, but you thing that it is less harmful than dealing drugs.

    As members of a scociety, in order to help the government eliminate drug abuse we need to speak up. We need to not be affraid of telling or "rattig" on people. If you believe that the best thing to do is go to the police or go to a parent and speak up then that's what should be done. This way we are also protecting the rest of the world from being corrupted.

  3. Schools need to enforce drug problems inside them. Every high school has students that use drug, and most teachers know about the problem but none of them speak up. If a school addresses the issue, then negative publicity for the school will be all over the news and internet. A known drug problem would bring down property values in the town where the public school is. Private schools will not admit there is a problem because parents would not want their child sent to a school with a drug problem. In order to fix the drug problems in society, schools (where most people start doing drugs) need to address the issue and speak up. The media needs to shut up and not publicize the problem so that property values wont drop. Without fear of repercussions, schools will be much more vigilant in enforcing illegal drug use.

  4. Drug abuse is a very serious problem amongst individuals in the United States today. It comes along as a result towards many different contributing factors. Drugs are used to often relieve stress among adults. Whether if it is due to work, family issues, or trying to pay bills/money problems, drug use provides that "sheltered" outlook that attempts to divulge the person from his or her problems. In adolescents, it is primarily due to peer pressure like it was said in the article. Peer pressure and drug abuse have close ties with one another and is a very influential factor amongst teenagers in high school, college, and even middle school to some extent unfortunately. Drugs provide that protection from the harsh reality of the outside world, which is often why people do them. People want to have them as more of a comfort when a problem or obstacle role around rather than being used to achieve that "high" feeling. However the negative effects significantly outweigh the positive in the form of physical and even psychological health of a person. Families, friendships, academic standing, work status, and even social ties are severed when drug abuse is part of the equation. It affects all of these. There are always rehab, school counseling, and government enforcement (i.e. jail/prison sentences)in effect to combat drug abuse. However, more needs to be done in order to reduce and "ideally" eliminate drug abuse amongst people in today's modern society through enhancing the already utilized problems and creating new ones.

  5. Drug abuse leads to a lot of problems that include, health, social, morbidity, injuries, uprotected sex, and violence. Some states including Mass have past laws that require all pharmacy's located in commonwealth to display and offer for sale, medical lock boxes for home use, so that parents can prevent thier children from stealing thier prescriptions. As a society we should advice all parents to buy the lock boxes.

  6. Drug abuse is a serious problem amongst teenagers and young adults that needs to be fixed. I think that the most important way to prevent drug use is to start talking about it at a young age. Parents should stress the problems that come with doing drugs, and how it is extremely harmful to the body. They should also try to get their children involved in sports or activities at a young age. This will keep them busy so they do not have hours of unoccupied time to spend experimenting. Also, as a member of a team you have to put the team first, so doing drugs would compromise this.
    School systems should also stress the negatives of doing drugs. Children should be taught at a young age and by more than one person that drugs are bad. If I was the parent of a drug dealer I would try everything in my power to get my child back on the right track and away from drugs! Overall teaching people early will help prevent drug abuse later in life.

  7. In today’s society drugs are becoming more common and more easily available. This is scary to think about because more drugs often mean more problems. Drug use can potentially lead to drug abuse. I believe peer pressure is the key factor in drug use and students need to learn that saying “no” is okay. Schools should work to eliminate drug use through different programs and teach students that not giving in to peer pressure does not have to be hard. Parents should also talk to their children about drugs at a young age, before it is too late. Studies found that “teenagers whose parents talk to them on a regular basis about the dangers of drug use are 42 percent less likely to use drugs than those whose parents don’t” ( It is evident that drugs in school are a problem because “more than 60 percent of teens said that drugs were sold, used, or kept at their school” (( A study done in high schools reported that 34.3% of students had smoked marijuana in the last year ( Drugs are a problem, especially among teenagers, and something needs to be done to reduce the amount of teenagers using them.

  8. Drugs are becoming more common in society today, than it ever has been. People often turn to drugs for comfort, because they are going through stress, depression, and other factors in their lives. It is not the victims' fault, there could be some chemical glitch in the brain that occured, when going through this issue. I am aware of the side effects of drug abuse, such as insomnia, memory impairment, and anger. In high school, I was a part of Students Against Destructive Decisions(SADD) that is aware of such decisions, such as drug abuse and drunk driving. Merrimack College should provide a SADD as well, so people are more aware of the side effects of drug abuse. Schools should also provide more programs and assemblies related to drug abuse in order to prevent more people from abusing drugs. There are more healthy ways to relieve stress and depression, such as yoga, exercise, and just getting out and about. If someone you know is abusing drugs, convince the person to do those things.

  9. Drug use is a very serious problem. Kids usually start using drugs in high school. To stop this from happening, I think that schools should start a drug and alcohol awareness program in middle school and continue it into high school. Drugs can lead kids away from school and into ilegal activities that can ruin their lives forever. Parents should also be aware of kids that their children are hanging out with. Friends are a big influence on how kids act. If you surround yourself with people who are doing drugs, you will probably start using them too. This is a very serious issue that needs to be addressed in schools and at home.

  10. Drug usage is a very serious problem in our society. The number of drug users according to the statistics above demonstrates America’s need for the government to take immediate action. For example, the government should pass a legislative bill requiring all schools to incorporate drug awareness classes as part of the school curriculum. Promoting drug awareness will make students conscious of the effects of drug usage. I believe that drug usage has increased steadily over the years due to people wanting to be viewed as “cool.” Laura makes a valid point stating how people use drugs as a way to socialize and make friends. This ultimately creates a ripple effect within a group of friends when one person starts using drugs and begins pressuring their friends to start using drugs as well. Many drug users tend to think that drugs are the solution to their problems, but in reality drugs can be viewed as a way to avoiding or confronting problems. Drug usage is not the way to solving problems; talking to someone and asking for help is the first step—help yourself, don’t abuse yourself.

    Why would anyone want to jeopardize their life, friends, and everything they have and care about with using drugs? Drugs are not the answer. As members of society, we should be doing more; we should be setting up help centers or “counseling schools” where drug abusers can receive the proper and necessary help.

  11. We are faced with a serious issue of drug abuse. It not only bring you down mentally and physically, but it also brings down your surroundings and your family. It tears apart your career life and your personal life. Some people start using drugs to "fit in" in high school and then they become so addicted that it become a life long problem. People may also use drugs because they are faced with serious problems in their lives, such as a death in the family or serious stress. The side effects can be life threatening and can cause death. Why would you want to put your life on the line? People who suffer from drug abuse should look for help through family and friends and most importantly medical help.

  12. I believe that it is physically impossible for the government to completely eliminate harmful drugs in the United States. People have way too many ways to get drugs and way too many people who they rely on to produce the drugs. Last year in my current events class we studied drug abuse in the United States and came to the conclusion that it will be impossible for the government to completely eliminate the drugs. There are many countries outside the US that provide the drugs to our people such as Mexico and the islands in the Caribbean. After watching the movie "Blow" we realized how easy it is for citizens of the US to obtain drugs from other countries and it would take a lot of security and servalence to stop this. Though drug abuse in our country is a serious issue, I feel that this issue will continue for many more years to come.

  13. In today's society, especially in the younger generation, drugs are becoming more and more common. Those in the "younger" generation are more likely to use drugs due to peer pressure, experimentation, or to reduce stress. Unfortunately, due to these reasons I believe that there isn't much we can do to prevent drug use. I believe that having drug and alcohol awareness courses at school, more after school programs, or even stricter laws may help this growing problem. If there were more courses available for students, then they could learn the dangers that these drugs can have and this might be able to steer a few people away from this deadly path. With more after school programs, I think this will give kids / teenagers something to keep them busy, at least until their parents return from work. Finally, I believe if there were more strict laws about such drugs, that this would discourage teenagers by instilling within them a fear of being caught. Overall, I believe this issue is going to worsen unless the government starts to truly address this issue and to start cracking down on drug usage.

  14. As society we should work together and eliminate drug abuse. It is very serious and it should not be government only taking care of the problem. It affects families, communities and puts a country's safety on stake. There shouldn't be any modifications like tax on drugs because that wont do anything it will just increase the behavior, so drug used should be eliminated completely and whoever caught using or selling should be charged as a crimminal because it getting very serious and it is time for both government and society to act for their own safety.

  15. drug abuse is a really serious problem in society. It is unbelievable how anyone including kids at such a young age can get their hands on them. Drug can do some good damage to the user, mentally and physical but people do not consider that. There's been study that showed that majority of people that choose to use drug, are more likely under pressure. the government should look more on this issue because it can cost many lives.

  16. Drug abuse is a growing problem in America. When younger people participate in drug use I feel they do it just to fit in and do it as a way of socializing. But, as they get older they become addicted and it becomes a greater issue. If I found out my parents were drug dealers I would be disappointed. They need to be a role model and selling drug is not a good thing. By the time they become parents it's time they grow up and find a source of money a different way not through drugs.

  17. I agree that drug abuse has become one of the growing problems in America, especially within high school teenagers. Most teens start drug usage because of peer pressure just to fit in. However other people may have perscriptions for drugs that aid them in their sickness. But the thing that affects all people that do drugs is the chemical additive that causes the addiction. Some people think that if they try drugs for the first time, they will not get hooked, but that isn't the issue here. Being exposed is the start of harming yourself, your body, and in other cases other people. I belive that the government should do something about this matter that makes getting possesion of drugs a lot harder than it is now. Sometimes people who have perscriptions abuse this, and use it to get drugs for their pleasure. Even people in the medical field should make sure they diagnose the patient right before going to such actions.
